Card Transaction Services Inc.
The best POS ATM
services in the town |

- Our commitment to you: to exceed your expectations
- Everyone At CTS Is accountable to you, our customer
- A simple beginning: talk openly with you
- Candid explanations of our service fees
- Your privacy is protected
- We always offer the best services in the town

1, 2014
time transaction can be found via My Account.
May 2, 2010
Virtual Terminal for Debit/Credit released. It runs seamlessly
either standalone or integration with our POS for retail/restaurant
Download here.
November 1, 2009
The new version of POS system has been released. More
secure, more functions, and more stable. Click
update to get download.
August 12, 2009
Debit/Credit card payment integration to the EasyPOS has
completed. Don't need a separated debit/credit machine any more.
More efficient, more accurate.
Read More

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We offer lower transaction fee to the merchant, for credit
card from 1.59%, debit card from 7₡.
Read More

CTS is committed to the payments industry. Count on us to lead
the way in performance, innovation and delivery.
Our innovation and commitment. In a business environment that’s
changing at unprecedented rates, you need a payment solutions
provider that demonstrates the highest levels of innovation and
commitment. One that can deal with increasingly complex global
and local standards and with varying business requirements. That
has the creativity, resources, and unmatched industry experience
to consistently develop new, large-scale payment solutions. That
can quickly integrate acquired assets. And that has the people,
systems, and global scale to deliver solutions, whenever and
wherever needed.
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